Abundance Generation on BBC news: Investing in renewable energy, Feature on the BBC news (29/10/2012) about Abundance Generation and community renewable energy investment. The news feature looks at the Resilient Energy Great Dunkilns project in St Briavels in the Forest of Dean. The 500kW community wind turbine project, which allows anyone to invest through Abundance from as little as £5, has the positive support of the local community.
The online BBC article about the project can be viewed here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20008033.
You can learn more about Abundance Generation at: http://www.abundancegeneration.com.
And learn about the community wind turbine project and the developers at: http://www.resilientenergy.co.uk/pb/wp_1612d80c/wp_1612d80c.html,